“You must trust the invisible to make the impossible possible”
~Vanessa de Oliveira
Aligning body, mind and spirit with the truth of our Divinity is a collaboration of many Powers. The Will to stretch into becoming. The Strength to overcome challenges. The Imagination to be a pioneer of the impossible. And the Wisdom to discern our Soul’s purpose in this current incarnation.
Join Don Fouts this Sunday as we explore the body’s natural intelligence for bringing us physical, emotional and spiritual wholeness embedded in the miraculous story of Myrtle Fillmore’s healing from tuberculosis. Together we will discover tools for healing our own dis-ease and take our rightful places as true Authors of the Impossible.
In a climate of great uncertainty, polarity of thinking and a crying out for healing on a global scale, our Sunday Experience offers the inspiring message that the fundamental nature of the Universe and all beings is Goodness and Love.
“Love is the energizing elixir of the Universe – the cause and effect of all Harmony”
~ Rumi
Our universal message honors the spiritual traditions while incorporating the teachings of leading age thinkers and philosophers.
You can join us via livestream on our YouTube Channel or Facebook Page.